Concrete cosmetic treatment for a magnificent concrete showroom

Concrete cosmetics, Heidelberg-Materials AG headquarters
Concrete cosmetic treatment of concrete-faced walls and columns in the interior as well as prefabricated concrete parts made of white concrete in the exterior of the Heidelberg-Materials AG corporate headquarters.


Heidelberg, Germany


Heidelberg-Materials AG headquarters


AS&P-Albert Speer & Partner GmbH
An impressive concrete showroom The modern headquarters of Heidelberg Materials impresses with its white curved concrete façade, complex tree supports in the foyer and high-quality exposed concrete throughout the building.
The prefabricated concrete elements made of white concrete with marble aggregate suffered a lot of mechanical damage during transport.
Two white concrete elements with vertical joint and two cut-outs at the edges
Edges of two precast elements with partially chipped edges before concrete cosmetics.
White concrete elements with perfectly matched, invisible finishes
White concrete parts after concrete cosmetics. The demolitions were completed and retouched to fit exactly.
Curved corner in white concrete with several imperfections
White concrete with broken corner and several smaller spalls.
White concrete element with repaired corner, which is not recognisable as such.
Completed corner after profiling and retouching. The concrete cosmetics were perfectly executed in form as well as in colour.
Unwanted dark stains on concrete.
Columns in the foyer. Colour matching and hydrophobisation were desired.
Matching colours and water-repellent coating on columns.
The retouching of the pillars creates a harmonious overall impression.

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