Concrete restoration & repair

Concrete restoration with expertise and years of experience!

Concrete Restoration

Reinforced concrete has been used as a building material for many decades. During this time, a large number of structures have been built which are now listed buildings due to their historical significance. In the 1990s, Strotmann & Partner first developed a concept for the restoration of damaged concrete elements for the famous pilgrims' houses in Neviges (architect: Gottfried Böhm) and designed a sample area.

The aim of concrete restoration is to restore an object to its original condition. The first priority is to preserve as much of the original substance of the structure as possible. The most serious problem with old structures is the loss of substance due to spalling caused by corrosion.
Corrosion causes the rusting rebars to expand, putting pressure on the adjacent concrete mass. If the pressure becomes too great, cracks form, the structure loosens and eventually weakened areas are lost. Strotmann & Partner has developed concepts to eliminate the cause of damage and to stop active damage mechanisms. Subsequently, the loss of substance can be compensated by repositioning the blasted original parts or by applying a suitable supplementary mortar.


Although there are no standards for the conservation and restoration of artificial stone (such as concrete), we follow the general guidelines for conservation:

  • Each object must be considered individually
  • Extensive conservation of the substance: authentic preservation of the texture and colour of the surfaces in accordance with the requirements of the monument.
  • Restoration of surfaces with textures and colours that match the surroundings.
  • Selective and partial conservation and restoration of the affected areas is necessary, leaving the original surfaces untouched.
  • The working methods require technical knowledge as well as aesthetic and artistic sensitivity.

Strotmann & Partner has developed concepts to eliminate the cause of damage and to stop active damage mechanisms.

The following approach is recommended:

  • Close cooperation between conservationists, building owners, architects, engineers, scientists and qualified restorers. Only by working together can the needs of each individual heritage property be identified.
  • Inspection of the building to map its condition or damage
  • Development of a restoration concept and appropriate material selection and development
  • Production of restoration samples
  • Implementation of the concept in the form of repair or restoration work
  • Scheduled monitoring of the building

If necessary, losses of substance can be compensated by replacing blasted original parts or by applying an adapted supplementary mortar.

Wir empfehlen folgende Vorgehensweise:

  • Enge Zusammenarbeit von Denkmalpflegern, Bauherren, Architekten, Ingenieuren, Wissenschaftlern und Dipl.-Restauratoren. Nur durch die Zusammenarbeit ist es möglich die Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen denkmalgeschützten Objektes zu erkennen.
  • Bauwerksuntersuchungen mit Kartierungen des Zustandes bzw. der Schäden
  • Entwicklung eines Restaurierungskonzeptes sowie angemessener Materialauswahl und Materialentwicklung
  • Anlegen von Restaurierungsmustern
  • Umsetzung des Konzeptes in Form von Instandsetzungs- bzw. Restaurierungsarbeiten
  • Planmäßige Bauwerksüberwachung

Substanzverluste können gegebenenfalls durch Replatzierung von abgesprengten Originalteile oder durch aufbringen eines angepassten Ergänzungsmörtels ausgeglichen werden.


Obwohl es bis heute noch keine gültigen Standards für die Konservierung und Restaurierung von Kunststeinen (wie Beton) gibt, halten wir uns an die allgemein in der Denkmalpflege geltenden Richtlinien:

  • Jedes Objekt muss individuell betrachtet werden
  • Weitgehende Erhaltung der Substanz: denkmalgerechte und authentische Erhaltung der Oberflächen in Textur und Farbigkeit
  • Wiederherstellung von Oberflächen die eine an die Umgebung angepasste Textur und Farbigkeit haben
  • Notwendig ist die punktuelle und partielle Konservierung und Restaurierung von betroffenen Bereichen, originale Oberflächen sollten unangetastet bleiben
  • Die Arbeitsweisen erfordern technische Kenntnisse als auch ästhetische und künstlerische Sensibilität

Before - after

Before After